Sunday, February 24, 2013

That was that.

 The face distracted me and brought up questions that aren't appropriate to ask.  What happened to your face?  Genetic abnormality, freak accident, acid? So I refrained. He asked questions about me and my life.  We had a typical date-type conversation, although we weren't on one.  It was one of those situations where you go with the flow and are open to what comes.  I had dared a friend to talk to a cute guy and here we were in his apartment.  The cute guy and the face.  The cute guy ended up being an opinionated jerk and the face - a nice guy.  
  I tried to look in his eyes and not focus on the nose that seemed to be missing. Did okay for a bit.  He offered to walk me to my car- I said sure- he would have asked me out - and I might have said yes- but when you go with the flow and don't force things -it happens like it is supposed to and well it didn't happen. 
So the face and the cute guy walked us to the car and that was that.

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