Thursday, February 21, 2013

If you want will.

Hot.  He was very hot.  He was well put together and way out of my league.  And he knew it.  
I had met him online a couple days before and we had arranged to meet at a bar that Sunday evening.  We drank, he drank, he drank more and he talked and talked and talked.  I was his audience for 5 1/2 hours, 3 of which was only him and his work, his previous marriage, his hobbies, his travels and then suddenly I was under the microscope. It caught me off guard to instantly be visible.  It was as if I was watching a movie for 3 hours and then unexpectedly I was in the movie.  I was the star and all eyes were on me.  He didn't let up. It was unsettling and the more uncomfortable I got the more he made me aware of it. I felt self conscious and small like a child -a child in trouble.  He didn't ask me questions so much as tell me about myself.  I was shaken.  "What do you do?" he asked.  I answered. Then he would ask again like I didn't answer it correctly.  He seemed to be asking me, "Who are you, really? I found myself questioning everything about my life and what was I really doing.  He was challenging me.  He said,  "If you want will."  
The bartender said they were closing.  We had to go. He walked me to my car and kissed me-the kind of kiss a girl dreams about.  "I'd like to see you again", he said.   Really? I thought. It was too risky.  He was too good looking.  He was out of my league.  

 "If you want to, you will."

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